Monday, June 15, 2020

Why I want to be a Nurse - Writing Assignment Paper - 550 Words

Why I want to be a Nurse - Writing Assignment Paper (Essay Sample) Content: Why I want to be a NurseNameInstitutionThere are numerous professions in the world today. As such, people tend to be attracted to different professions for various reasons. From a personal perspective, my interest in nursing practice majorly hinges on a natural drive to assist in various capacities in the nursing world. While my rationalization for picking the nursing profession may sound vague, my in-born desire to contribute to this field has propelled me towards seeking the opportunity to become a professional nurse.Verily, while other people may be financially motivated to chase after certain careers, my heart has led me towards nursing. I desire to become a nurse because I want to assure people that even in their most vulnerable times there is someone who cares and is there to hold their hands every step of the way. Nursing is so important to me because I believe lives will be changed by giving people hope in their darkest hours, lending an ear to those that beli eve they are not worth listening to. I am not only interested in becoming a nurse, I long for it because I know my compassion and concern for others maybe the change my patients need to live better, to hope for more, and to also be of help to others because they have experienced such great care not just medically, but holistically and now they want to do what they have experienced for someone in need.The nursing profession typically revolves around providing the best feasible care for humanity and the community at large. With the help of this Scholarship, I can accomplish my unwavering desire to improve lives, and care for patients in underserved communities. There are several motivations that etched my interest in nursing, but they all stem from my adoration of making a difference. I have a strong desire to change the community around me. Given the demands that come with such responsibility, commitment is the key to realizing my nursing ambitions. As a nurse, I must be ready and wi lling to provide care for those residing within those communities at all times.Quality care is unquestionably imperative for improving the quality of life. Without doubt, only committed nurses can guarantee the provision unwavering and much-needed nursing services. While I am not claiming to be the perfect embodiment of these indispensable attributes, I am ready and wil...